Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Do You Read Frank?

A couple of years ago I started an anonymous blog (to those who follow the blog, it's still anonymous to everyone else). I gained a few thousand followers and over 1/2 million hits (views). But I say all of that to hopefully make the point that followers and views are not necessarily indicative of quality. My blog is somewhat fluff and quite often not thoughtful. I usually write by the seat of my pants. Yet there is an intelligent and thoughtful blogger I admire and love to read, who might just be my favorite all-around blogger, and he only has ten followers and probably less than a tenth of the hits I have. I could be wrong about the latter, but I've looked at some stats on his site, and it doesn't seem he's well-known.

That's stunning to me, and so I'm compelled this morning to introduce Frank Thompson. And a proviso. As with all blogs and other writings, I don't agree with everything someone writes. What a dull place this would be if we were all in lock step on our thoughts, but I appreciate Frank's mind and most important, he always makes me think. Without further ado, I give you All Things Wildly Considered.

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